Swatches is on the App Store!

I've been messing around with SwiftUI, which means iOS 13, which means supporting Dark Mode. And increasingly I was finding that I was worrying about testing against dark mode, and picking out color choices became increasingly annoying. Ultimately I stopped working on the Today Timer rewrite to instead make myself a simple little developer utility that showed all of the colors and could toggle Dark Mode inside the app. And from there the app got a little out of control 😀

I ended up deciding that I wanted to experiment with the crossplatform capabilities of SwiftUI, so I added watchOS, tvOS, and macOS (via Catalyst) support to the app, and a few more features as I dug into it. Also I wanted to learn how to use Fastlane for making the bajillion icons and screenshots you need for a modern iOS app. Final result was Swatches, which I open sourced for non-commercial use and also made available for free in the iOS App Store. (The other platforms will be available soonish, as I work through getting the metadata cleaned up for the additional platforms. You can read more about Swatches or grab it from the iOS app store: