360 Pics - side by side with "vintage" Xbox

At E3 we had some spirited discussion about whether the 360 was really smaller than Xbox 1. I in particular contended that it's not hulking and black, and the curved lines make it look smaller than it actually is.

Gizmodo has pictures of their review (retail and debug) unit - including it right next to an Xbox. It's smaller, yes, but it's not 10% smaller. There's also a pic next to the Gamecube and slimline PS2 just to drive the point home. Sucker is still pretty damn big :-)

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Getting it done!

Time to stop goofing off. I was looking at timelines and I need to start hitting two chapters a week or I'm going to have some nasty crunch time early next year. I've been writing around 1200-1500 words a day lately, but I need to bump that up to 2000 or I'll have to start working some on the weekends. We'll have none of that in Casa de Sanders!

If I got two chapters a week in I'd finish up the first draft in mid-February, which should work fine with my deadlines. So starting tomorrow - 2000 words a day, and a chapter every other day (or so).

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Comment Nation

So I got around to looking at closing old comments today, and wasn't entirely thrilled with my discoveries. The plugin that did it automatically doesn't work on MT 3.2. The plugin that did it semi-automatically doesn't work right with my data backend.

Ultimately I found a plugin that lets me close comments from a higher level menu so I can do 20 items at a time. So I went through Pic_A_Day and the Sniping Post and closed comments on everything over a month old. I think that's all I did, but if you see anything strange holler out. Also, the month cutoff is completely arbitrary, so if you were dying to mouth off on an older post drop me a note and I'll open them up.

Basically, the new spam system was stopping the comments from showing up publicly, but I was still having to deal with them under the hood. There is one reader/commenter who tends to read in bursts and comment on older entries, but I think 30 days will be enough of a window for that. Like I said, if it starts being a problem I could go to 45 days, or 60.

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And now I have a headache. Thanks Terminator!

Have any of you actually ever read that pamphlet of voter information they send out discussing the propositions? I seriously considered voting against whichever side used all-caps but I couldn't stomach that in a few cases. And my original phrasing was "used all-caps or excessive italics" but several propositions have italics fans on both sides. (sigh) Just reading through that thing gave me a headache. And I will say that I don't see a single one of these propositions that justified a special election. None of this couldn't have waited until next year, except the fact that Arnold has ridden to power on calling special elections. I'd love to see an analysis of what the whole slate actually saves over one year, versus the cost of running this election. And that's not even considering the aggravation level of being bombarded with crap for months (Hey CTA? We know your stance, duh. I swear you really strengthened my opinion on 75 by sending us junk mail every freakin' day for weeks on end.  We get it, you want to keep spending on campaigns. I'm voting for it just to make sure you have a smaller budget for mailing me crap next year!)

Anyway, now I'm informed. I guess. Hooray.

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