Hard to Port Mr. Rubin

Gaahh! Jason Rubin delivers a call to arms at DICE - everyone knows that already. But then there's the Merc's coverage - which makes it sound like he's throwing a temper tantrum for being less popular than Tara Reid. Great, so any point he's trying to make is getting obscured by laughter - and he brought it on himself.

Then he quits Naughty Dog - which is pretty much his business I guess. I'll give him some points for putting his money where his mouth is. But then he goes on to compare himself to Rosa Parks.

Dude, you got dissed an industry party. Maybe even looked dumb in front of some friends. And Sony probably does owe you better than that. But fighting that doesn't make you Gandhi, and it doesn't make you Martin Luther King, Jr. If you're lucky it makes you a striking baseball player. Drop the hyperbole, stick to the Hollywood analogies, and maybe we can get the Mercury to take you seriously.