One day I'll get around to figuring out to use but until then I'll just dump some links here.
1) Over at Lost Garden an excellent essay on alternate business models for game companies.
2) Secondary markets - they are destroying video games! Not so says GamerDad
3) Secondary markets - they are destroying publishing! Not so says Miss Snark
4) Folk version of Baby Got Back? Go to Jonathan Coulton for the hookup. While you're there check out the Ikea song which I've heard from IndieFeed. I haven't listened to his other stuff, but I will soonish.
1) Over at Lost Garden an excellent essay on alternate business models for game companies.
2) Secondary markets - they are destroying video games! Not so says GamerDad
3) Secondary markets - they are destroying publishing! Not so says Miss Snark
4) Folk version of Baby Got Back? Go to Jonathan Coulton for the hookup. While you're there check out the Ikea song which I've heard from IndieFeed. I haven't listened to his other stuff, but I will soonish.