
Last weekend Karin and I drove down to Monterey. The main purpose of the trip was to see "Weird Al" Yankovic in concert but we went ahead and stayed overnight and did a couple of other touristy things. We saw an exhibition of the Matisse Jazz unbound book, which is a series of oversize prints from Matisse's gouache cutouts and we went on a whale watching cruise.

The Weird Al show was awesome - he's a really good performer. I realize nobody will take this seriously, but I mean it. He puts on an amazing show. There was also the twist too amazing to plan. We were in row 'H' of this theater, on the left side. There was an empty seat, then Karin, then I. So when he started singing Wanna B Ur Luvr he got down off the stage and worked down the aisle, singing lines to various women. When he got to our row he jumped up into the chair next to Karin and sort of . . . danced at her while he sang. Yes, my wife has now had Weird Al make pelvic thrusts at her. The rest of the row was a family and the mom was clearly jealous. I'm not sure Karin was as impressed herself.

The whale watching cruise was fun. I tried to take some pictures, but I didn't really get much. My camera is too freakin' slow for action snaps, so I got a lot of "just after they fluked" shots. I put a bunch of them up on Flickr. This was probably my best shot of a fluke:

I'm seriously thinking I want a better camera. I'd like to get a nice digital SLR body, and look into getting a "prime" lens (one without a zoom). I've been reading and hearing quite a lot about what a revelation it is to start shooting with a 50 mm lens. But I need to do a lot more research before I even know what kind of camera I want. But it was frustrating trying to catch the whales and w . a . i . t . i . n . g for my camera to get its act together and take the damn shot.

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